Adopt a Roadway

Man Of The Soil and the Adopt A Roadway Program

Man of the Soil Adopted Roadway Since 1998

Keeps our Tucson Roadsides Clean and Litter-Free

The Adopt-a-Roadway program is a community-based initiative aimed at keeping our Tucson roadsides clean and litter-free. This program is organized by Pima County Adopt-a-Roadway, which allows volunteers or businesses to “adopt” a section of a roadway to maintain its cleanliness.

Man of the Soil is committed to regular clean-up activities along their designated stretch of road, picking up litter, and debris. We have received recognition through signs displaying our name along the adopted roadway since 1998.

The program encourages community involvement, environmental stewardship, and helps to maintain the aesthetic appeal and safety of roadways.

At Man of the Soil we strongly believe in giving back to the community. That is why we have adopted roadways all over Pima County, Marana County, and Oro Valley. Below is a list of the miles of roads we currently care for and have maintained for years.

Here are our Adopted Roadways in Pima County
• Old Spanish Trail, from Camino Loma Alta to the End
• Pistol Hill Rd, from South of Old Spanish Trail to the End